Formatting such as italics and bold text is not preserved when you paste text into this web form.
The text you enter gets processed into a formatted (HTML) email to the Editor. To put a word or phrase in italics, insert <i> before the text and </i> after.
To put a word or phrase in bold, insert <b> before the text and </b> after.
Other simple HTML tags are also accepted. (Please don’t copy in complex HTML, especially not the tag soup that Word spits out via its Save As... HTML.) For example, you might want to indent some lines in a poem. Spaces inserted at the beginning of a line with the spacebar or tab key will simply get lost in transmission. If you need an indent do it like this:
While this is just a standard flush-left line,
<font color=white>*****</font>this is a line indented from the left.
(Note: no quotes of any kind around the word white.)
In the email that comes through, it will look like this:
While this is just a standard flush-left line,
***this is a line indented from the left.
You can also use UBB formatting tags and the Preview process converts them to the equivalent HTML tags. Specifically, you can include [i] ..... [/i] for italics, [b] ..... [/b] for bold (though this should rarely be needed), and [color=white] .... [/color] to achieve indents.