
by Rose Kelleher 

An Interview with Wendy Videlock 

by The Rude Interviewer 


by Wendy Videlock 


by Wendy Videlock 


by Wendy Videlock 

In Praise of Form 

by Wendy Videlock 

About Certainty 

by Wendy Videlock 

Of Promiscuity 

by Wendy Videlock 


by Jane Røken 

Trail from Lizard Gate 

by Jane Røken 

Salon Poem in Leafgravure 

by Bill Knott 

Shrine for a Young Soldier, Castle Drogo 

by Rory Waterman 


by Janet Kenny 

Unholy Sonnet 

by Richard Meyer 

Being Youthful and Lacking Tact 

by Tim Hawkins 

The Bartender Prays 

by Wonder Dave 

God and Sainsbury’s 

by John Whitworth 

St. Vincent 

by John Marcus Powell 

The End 

by Michael Kriesel 

The Leap 

by Quincy R. Lehr 


by Pedro Poitevin 

Psalm 98 

by Anonymous, tr. Timothy Murphy 

Wendy Videlock’s “Nevertheless” 

a review by Ann Drysdale 

Catherine Chandler’s “Lines of Flight” 

a review by Barbara Smith 

Ray Pospisil’s Voice and His Silence 

an essay by R. Nemo Hill 

Puritan Love Song 

by Amit Majmudar 

Subtle Anatomy 

by Amit Majmudar 

The Fool as Gilgamesh 

by Marly Youmans 

Jesu d’Algonquin 

by Roy Wang 

Fragments from Ripley’s Big Book Believe it or Not  

by Michael Cantor 

Botticelli’s Venus and Mars 

by Lynn Roberts 


by Lynn Roberts 

The Last Supper 

by Rick Mullin 

Rembrandt’s Portrait of Ephraim Bueno 

by Rick Mullin 

The Octopus 

by Jonathan Kessler 

The day our prayers turned into dogs 

by Clare Kirwan 


by C.B. Anderson 

Paradise Zoo 

by Kathleen Kenny 

City of Departing Angels 

by M.A. Griffiths 

Rude Sonnet Contest Winner: Rosewood 

by Burt Myers 

Featured Artist: Bill Knott 

by Staff 

Miscellaneous Artwork 

by Mark Bulwinkle and William D. Hicks 


